Disadvantage Of Coca Cola Drinking And Efforts of Human Body

The effects of Coca-Cola

What we are looking for today is the disadvantage of coca cola drinking.

Coca-Cola drinking Cough Cofine is the name of the drug ingredient added to Coca Cola's. Coca-Cola drinks 10 spoon of sugar in the body, causing blood pressure to increase. 
Increases sugar levels in blood.

This is the maximum amount of sugar a man can take over a day. This causes vomiting. 
Besides, it also contains the acidic substance of phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola to prevent it.

Image result for effort of coca cola

 The maximum amount of molecules in the body goes to the other parts of the body by the liver. 
In addition, the molecules of the maximum cofine in coca cola mixed in the blood. Foot Eyes Spread. The blood passes through the vein to the brain and temporarily disables the brain. It is found that the body is weary.

Besides, the calcium and magnesium molecules in the body are affected by the acid phosphoric acid. These two elements are excreted in humans through urine. This is because the nutrients in the human bone are reduced.

Its flavor and a small variety of things can command your brains to drink the nerves repeatedly. This is the secret to using Coca-Cola for its sales. This is the result of the Coca-Cola company.

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Disadvantage Of Coca Cola Drinking And Efforts of Human Body Disadvantage Of Coca Cola Drinking And Efforts of Human Body Reviewed by Unknown on October 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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